Transgender Awareness Month Celebrated by Pride For Youth Initiative.

November is Transgender Awareness Month and marks the 20th anniversary of the Transgender Day of Rememberance.
Transgender Day of Rememberance was founded on November 20, 1999 by trans activist Gwendolyn Ann Smith after the brutal murder of Rita Hester, a Black trans woman, in 1998. The day was set to honor all of the transgender people who have lost their lives due to anti-transgender violence throughout the year. 

In 2019, 23 deaths have been reported from anti-transgender and transmisgonoir violence, 20 of those deaths were Black people.
Every November we celebrate the transgender and gender nonconforming communities by raising awareness. Unfortunately, the month was kicked off Friday (Nov. 1)  with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announcing that it is stripping non-discrimination protections, including protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity
